Top ranking in two lists of influential people in the media- and agency world: No 6 in the Ad Agency 50 list and No 52 in the Complete DeMedia 100 list. A great recognition by colleagues in the industry.
The DeMedia 100 list is announced each year during the DeMedia 100 Dinner. Alongside the main 100 list, they also publish a number of sub-lists, including the Ad Agency 50 list. This list consists of the most influential people in the Dutch ad agency/advertising industry. The lists are put together on the basis of a survey carried out by MediaTest - a Dutch qualitative research agency. 40,000 professionals from the media- and marketing communication industries are invited to take part. The results are announced during a fantastic dinner in the Kromhouthal - a waterside exhibition & events hall in a former factory in Amsterdam. Several hundred colleagues attend. An absolute honour to be ranked on these lists!
A big thank you to the event organisers: Peter Wybenga, Eric-Jan Vis and Bas Vlugt!
Below are some photos taken by Henk-Jan Winkeldermaat (Punkmedia), more photos here.